Independence Day Parade Sign Up: Independence Day is just a few months away! West Bountiful City is now accepting applications for parade entries, so please sign up if you are interested in participating! Sign Up Here
1. Prayer/Thought – Commissioner Mitchell.
Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Sweat.
2. Confirm Agenda.
3. Public Hearing – Proposed Changes to WBMC 15.08.050 Public Improvements as a Condition of Building Permit Approval.
4. Public Hearing – Proposed Changes to WBMC 17.14.050, 17.16.040, 17.20.050, 17.24.050 Yard Regulations Correcting Side Yard Setbacks in Residential Zones, and 17.04.030 Definition of Building.
5. Blackgate Investments, LLC’s Proposal to Lease Land to Manheim Auto Auction in Exchange for Land Adjacent to Highgate Estates Fronting 1450 West.
6. Consider Public Improvement Requirements as a Condition of a Building Permit.
7. Consider Clarifications for Yard Regulations in Residential Zones.
8. Discuss Olsen Farms 8 Subdivision Preliminary Plat.
9. Consider Meeting Minutes from February 22, 2022.
10. Staff report.
11. Adjourn.