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Independence Day Parade Sign Up: Independence Day is just a few months away! West Bountiful City is now accepting applications for parade entries, so please sign up if you are interested in participating!  Sign Up Here

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Planning Commission Mtg

January 12, 2021@7:30 pm

When: Jan 12, 2021
7:30 pm
Details: AGENDA:
Meeting will be held exclusively via Zoom (see info below)The Mayor and the Planning Commission Chair have determined that due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the physical distancing required to prevent the spread of infection, public meetings present a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present at the meetings. That risk can be substantially mitigated by holding this meeting through electronic means that allow for public participation without an anchor location.

1.       Accept Agenda.

  1.        Public Hearing Regarding a Proposal to Eliminate the Historical Overlay District – WBMC 17.24.110 and Establish a New Historic District.
  2.        Consider Proposed Changes to WBMC 17.24.110 Historical Overlay District and Historic District Map.
  3.        Discuss Proposed Changes to the West Bountiful General Plan Associated with Historic Areas and Set Public Hearing.
  4.        Discuss Proposed Changes to WBMC 17.82.110 Accessory Dwelling Units
  5.        Staff report.
  6.        Consider Meeting Minutes from November 24, 2020.
  7.        Adjourn.

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Meeting ID: 832 4549 2865
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January 12, 2021
7:30 pm
Event Category: