Independence Day Parade Sign Up: Independence Day is just a few months away! West Bountiful City is now accepting applications for parade entries, so please sign up if you are interested in participating!
Sign Up Here
Decision on Appeal of Approval of Conditional Use Permit for Auto Italia Repairs.
Ordinance 473-23, An Ordinance Amending Height Regulations for Accessory Structures in Residential Zones.
Resolution #539-23, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Centerville City for the Multi-Jurisdictional Centerville Flex Project By Stokes Stevenson Located at Approximately 1250 West (Child Lane) 200 South, Centerville.
Strip Call Options for Series 2021 Revenue Bonds for Public Works Facility.
Meeting Minutes from June 20, 2023, and July 10, 2023.
Staff Reports–Police, Public Works, Engineering, Community Development.
Mayor/Council Reports.
Closed Session, if necessary, for the Purpose of Discussing Items Allowed Pursuant to UCA § 52-4-205.