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1. Approve Agenda.
2. Public Comment – Two minutes per person; five minutes if on behalf of a group.
3. Proclamation Designating September 17-23, 2024 as Constitution Week in West Bountiful.
4. Rear Yard Setback Variance Request – Heritage Pointe Lot 31 – 850 W Heritage Pointe Circle.
5. Storm Water Drainage Impact Fee Waiver Request – South Davis Sewer District – North Plant Project, 1200 N Shoreland Drive.
6. Centerville Flex Condominium Plat Approval.
7. Meeting Minutes from September 3, 2024.
8. Staff Reports–Police, Public Works, Engineering, Community Development, Admin.
9. Mayor/Council Reports.
10.Closed Session, if necessary, for the Purpose of Discussing Items Allowed Pursuant to UCA § 52-4-205.
11. Adjourn.