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1. Approve Agenda.
2. Public Comment – Two minutes per person; five minutes if on behalf of a group.
3. Resolution #558-24 – A Resolution Consenting to the Appointment of Haven Dickson as
Youth City Council Advisor.
4. Resolution #559-24 – A Resolution Finding that a Station Area Plan for Woods Cross
Frontrunner Station is Impracticable for Area within West Bountiful City.
5. Consider Award of Playground Equipment for up to $186,557.80.
6. Consider Award for FY 25 Road Maintenance Work for $75,731 (Holbrook Asphalt) and
$43,000 (Anderson Asphalt).
7. Consider Purchase Approvals for Police Server, Police Statistical Software, Golf Spray Rig,
and Golf Topdresser.
8. Meeting Minutes from June 18th, 2024.
9. Staff Reports–Police, Public Works, Engineering, Community Development, Admin.
10. Mayor/Council Reports.
11. Closed Session, if necessary, for the Purpose of Discussing Items Allowed Pursuant to UCA §
12. Adjourn.