testing form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
(additional $100 for groups over 300)
Time of Reservation (Start)
Morning - Afternoon
Time of Reservation (End)
Time of Reservation
Non Resident

By signing below, the applicant agrees to the following rules and regulations: 

‐ Park fees are non‐refundable; 

‐ Park hours are from 6 am to 10:30 pm; a half day reservation will not exceed 5 hours. 

‐ Dogs must be on a leash at all times; 

‐ No glass containers, alcohol, or drugs will be permitted at any time; 

‐ Water activities are not permitted without prior written approval from city staff; 

‐ Waterslides and ice‐blocking are prohibited; 

‐ Amplified music is not permitted without prior written consent from the Chief of Police (must fill out separate form); 

‐ The lawn may not be used for golfing, skiing, or snowboarding; 

‐ The reserved area will be cleaned‐up and trash will be placed in appropriate containers at the conclusion of the event.  

As the responsible party for the above reserved event, I certify that I have reviewed the West Bountiful City Facility Use Policy and I agree to the terms and conditions listed therein. I agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and reimburse West Bountiful City with respect to all claims, damages, suits, attorney fees, and other expenses which may arise due to personal injury or property damage suffered or incurred in connection with or incidental to the use of the park facilities by the applicant. I agree that I will be responsible for the conduct of the group if granted use of the facilities specified above. I agree that the group will conform to the official policies set under authority of the West Bountiful Municipal Code. I further agree to reimburse West Bountiful City in full for any loss due to breakage, defacing of property, or other damage to the facilities. I represent that I am duly authorized to sign this bowery application on behalf of the company or organization applying for the reservation. I further certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Clear Signature