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Independence Day Parade Sign Up: Independence Day is just a few months away! West Bountiful City is now accepting applications for parade entries, so please sign up if you are interested in participating!  Sign Up Here

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Public Notice – Plat Amendment

April 19, 2022@7:30 pm-8:00 pm



A public hearing is scheduled on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, beginning at 7:30 pm for the city council to consider an application to amend the Ashby Acres Subdivision Plat, as requested by Jace Allen and James Bruhn.

 The purpose of the Plat Amendment is to:

1. Move the property line between lots 7 and 8 ten feet to the west so that lot 7 gains ten feet and lot 8 is reduced by 10 feet;

2. Lot 8 will continue to meet zoning requirements in the R-1-22 District with a total lot size of 22,882 sq. ft.

3. Vacate the public utility and drainage easement along the same property line.

Comments can be submitted to prior to the meeting. 

Cathy Brightwell
West Bountiful City Recorder


April 19, 2022
7:30 pm-8:00 pm
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