Independence Day Parade Sign Up: Independence Day is just a few months away! West Bountiful City is now accepting applications for parade entries, so please sign up if you are interested in participating! Sign Up Here
Online Participation Available: Zoom Meeting ID: 897 0908 1978
A Approve Agenda.
2. Public Comment – Two minutes per person; five minutes if speaking on behalf of a group.
3. Public Hearing on Proposed First Amendments to FY 2021-2022 Budget.
4. Resolution 510-22, A Resolution Adopting Proposed First Amendments to FY 2021-2022 Budget.
5. Resolution 511-22, A Resolution Granting a Right of Way Easement to Rocky Mountain Power at 1410 W 1200 North (Public Works Facility).
6. Meeting Minutes from January 18, 2022.
7. Staff Reports – Police, Public Works, Engineering, Community Development, Administration.
8. Mayor/Council Reports.
9. Closed Session for the Purpose of Discussing Items Allowed Pursuant to UCA § 52-4-205.