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1. Approve Agenda.
2. Public Comment – Two minutes per person; five minutes if on behalf of a group.
3. Presentation of Independent Audit of the City’s Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2024.
4. Presentation from South Davis Metro Fire – Chief Stewart.
5. Consider Request to Change R-1-10 Rear Yard Setback Requirements – Schillings.
6. Report on 400 N / 800 W Intersection Study.
7. Lakeside Golf Course Report.
8. Consider Consent to Quit Claim Deed from Utah Department of Transportation for Parcel 06-031-0029.
9. Consider Purchase Approval for Rollout Carts (garbage cans) for $13,160.
10. Meeting Minutes from December 17th, 2024.
11. Staff Reports–Police, Public Works, Engineering, Admin & Community Development.
12. Mayor/Council Reports.
13. Closed Session, if necessary, for the Purpose of Discussing Items Allowed Pursuant to UCA § 52-4-205.
14. Adjourn.