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We are pleased to inform you of a large construction project planned for the 2022 construction season on 600 West from 1600 North (Pages Lane) to 2200 North (Porter Lane).
The project consists of replacing the culinary water system in the road and re-building the substructure and asphalt of the road. There will be limited repairs to curb and gutter. Contractors will likely begin within a few weeks, and the work may take the entire season to complete.
While this project will enhance our community, city leaders understand the hardships associated with any project of this size. Work will take place in what is now street right-of-way, but residents will experience impacts to access, traffic, noise, dust, and limited water outages.
Regardless of whether there will be new improvements in front of your property, all residents are welcome and encouraged to contact city staff if they have questions, comments, or concerns related to this work. Contact Kris Nilsen, City Engineer at [email protected], in-person at city hall, or by telephone at (801) 292-4486.