Business Licensing

 Any person engaging in or carrying on any business within the city must first obtain a license to do so. Business is defined as all activities carried on for the purpose of gain or economic profit including the sale of tangible personal property or the rendering of personal services.

Exceptions include: businesses for solely religious, charitable, or other type of strictly non-profit purposes; businesses exempt from municipal taxation and fees; home businesses when an employee is working at home for an employer; and, any person selling farm products, other than dairy products, actually raised or grown by them.

All licenses are valid for the calendar year. Renewal notices will be mailed in November and are due on or before January 5th of the following year.

All new business licenses are required to have a fire inspection prior to receiving a business license.

License applications may be submitted in-person or via email to [email protected]. Questions can be directed to Remington Whiting or  Tauna Sessions at 801-292-4486.