
The city's budget is divided into several funds to organize and account for various types of services and projects. Governmental funds are organized to show the revenues and expenses for services that are provided primarily through taxes. For West Bountiful City, these include the General Fund (administration, public safety, street maintenance, parks, community development, etc.), Recreation Arts & Parks (RAP) Tax Fund, Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Fund, Impact Fee funds, and various capital improvement funds - these include the Water Fund, Solid Waste Fund, Storm Water Fund, and the Golf Course Fund.

West Bountiful City's budget is adopted in June of each year and the fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Prior to adoption, a tentative budget is adopted and a public hearing is held so residents can provide input prior to final consideration and adoption.

Copies of Budgets and Audit Reports are provided below.